
Players complete missions to earn EXP. There are 2 kinds of mission, in the paradise, which are to take the cat photo and find items.

Level 1 :

Level 2 :

Level 3 :Same as Level 2, but add in more missions to mission pool to entice more toy purchase.

Level 4 and later  :  The mission will start after players found 6 cats.


Reward from doing the combination of items are EXP and silver coins. Player will get 1 EXP point for a mission. For silver coins payback, player can see from the 'rate tab' in the file, 'ITEMDATA' . The rate is equal to payback for each item. item1.rate + item2.rate + (count1 + count2)*5. 

*Count1 and count2 is the requested amount of item1 and 2 respectively.

Reward from photographing cat are EXP and silver coins as well. Player will get 1 EXP point for a mission. And, silver coins payback equal to five multiplied by cat rareness rate plus fifteen.

*Cat rareness rate is shown in the file, 'CATDATA'.